Proof of vaccination requirements for care locations of community care settings

By Order of the Provincial Health Officer, students, faculty and staff accessing all care locations and community care settings must follow the COVID-19 preventive measures order (February 18, 2022).

If you are accessing any care locations  or community care settings for work purposes, you must be fully vaccinated (which means 7 days have past after your second dose of vaccine) by March 24, 2022.

For information on how to obtain your Proof of Vaccination (BC Vaccine card), visit the BC Government Website.

Preventive Measures Order

The Order requires UBC to verify that students, faculty, and staff who are in a care location (such as hospitals and residential care facilities) for teaching, research, or associated administrative purposes to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The order also applies to contractors, volunteers or technical specialists who are in such locations.

Unvaccinated students, faculty and staff must not attend care locations unless they have received or are in the process of applying for an exemption from the Provincial Health Officer.

Compliance to the Order

If you work in a health care location, there is a requirement to be fully vaccinated per the Provincial Health Order (PHO)

Your Head of Department will outline the means taken to achieve compliance to this order.

Department Heads can contact if they require assistance tracking compliance to the Order.

Important: Please note that the small paper cards given out at local immunization centres and pharmacies are not accepted under the PHO. A valid BC Vaccine Card is required.

To access instructions on how to access your digital BC Vaccine Card,  Health Gateway Records, or Federal Proof of Vaccination, please see the Government BC website.

Community care

‘Community care’ includes home nursing, nursing support for school students, health services for post secondary students, home support, mental health, drug and alcohol care, continuing care, crisis support, life skills coaching, social skills coaching, counselling, day care for adults, health care provided in an office or clinic, care provided by a child development centre, support provided to a client of Community Living British Columbia, supervised consumption, overdose prevention and public health.

Care location

‘Care location’ includes:

(a) a hospital,
(b) hospital facilities,
(c) a research facility or research centre associated with a hospital or other care location;
(d) a Provincial mental health facility,
(e) a BC Cancer Agency facility
(f) a residential care facility licensed under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act to provide one of the following types of care prescribed or described in section 2 of the Residential Care Regulation:
(i) Child and Youth Residential; Privacy – Terms
(ii) Hospice;
(iii) Mental Health;
(iv) Substance Use;
(v) Community Living; or,
(vi) Acquired Injury,
(g) an assisted living residence registered under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act in one of the following classes prescribed in section 3 of the Assisted Living Regulation:
(i) Mental Health,
(ii) Persons with Disabilities, for adults receiving assisted living services due primarily to a
disability; or
(iii)Supportive Recovery,
(h) a home operated by or under contract with Community Living British Columbia but not including the home of a home share provider,
(i) a public health office,
(j) a clinic operated by a regional health authority, the Provincial Health Services Authority, British Columbia Emergency Health Services or Providence Health Care Society to provide health care,
(k) an urgent and primary care centre,
(l) a child development centre,
(m) a community health centre,
(n) an adult day care,
(o) a laboratory facility,
(p) a diagnostic facility,
(q) a vehicle from which health care is provided,
(r) a private residence in which a patient or client resides,
(s) a school,
(t) a post-secondary student health services facility,
(u) a supervised consumption site,
(v) an overdose prevention site,
(w) a correctional facility,
(x) another other place where care is provided.
but does not include a place excluded from the application of this Order by posting on the PHO’s website.

What is considered ‘acceptable proof of vaccination’? 

Hospital and community (health care and other services):  

BC Vaccine Card: a valid BC Vaccine Card is acceptable proof.

Unacceptable proof:

Paper (wallet size): Unfortunately, we cannot accept the paper (wallet size) cards issued by individual immunization clinics as proof of vaccination status.  To obtain a digital copy of your proof of vaccination status, navigate to and download your vaccination card.  

International evidence: Unfortunately, we cannot accept international evidence as proof of vaccination status.  If you were vaccinated in a country other than Canada, you must register for a BC Vaccine Card with the BC Government.  Visit and submit or update an immunization record. 

You must upload the proof of vaccination which was required in order for you to enter Canada; if your document is not in English or French, then you must upload a copy of both the original language proof of vaccination documentation and an official translated copy.