Environmental Health

Protecting community health involves the successful elimination or management of risk factors in the environment.

This includes:

  • Risk exposure identification
  • Assessment and control
  • Proactive interventions
  • Educational campaigns

As outlined inĀ UBC Policy SC1-University Safety, all faculty, staff and students have a role to play in maintaining a healthy, safe and environmentally sustainable university.

The resources below are designed to support faculty and staff in fulfilling these responsibilities.

Cold Weather

Supports and recommendations for managing snowy and icy conditions.

Hot Weather

Recommendations for protecting yourself from the Okanagan sun.

Indoor Environmental Quality

Learn about the steps you can take to influence indoor environmental quality and when to request help.

Scents in the Workplace

Learn how scented products can affect our community and how to reduce issues caused by scented products.

Water Quality

Learn more about the source and quality of campus drinking water.