Pet Protocol

The University of British Columbia recognizes the important role that animals/pets play in the wellbeing of many faculty, staff and students, especially through UBCO’s acclaimed B.A.R.K. program.

However, while many members of the campus community benefit from the ability to interact with pets on campus, others may experience the same situation in a more negative way. The Pet Protocol balances potential concerns about animals with the mental health benefits that pets may provide.

Campus buildings and outdoor events are reserved for working animals. This includes guide and service dogs, approved emotional support animals, and working BARK dogs.

Working animals

  • Guide and service dog teams are permitted on campus property, including grounds and buildings.
  • Certified guide/service dog-in-training teams are permitted on campus property, including grounds and buildings, per their dog certification training. Some restrictions may apply.
    • Student dog-in-training teams wishing to apply for on-campus housing, and employees wishing to train dogs while simultaneously performing work for UBCO, are subject to additional review.
  • Approved Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are permitted on campus grounds but may not attend University events or be taken into shared spaces such as classrooms, meeting rooms and restrooms, unless specifically addressed in the accommodation plan and handler agreement.
  • B.A.R.K. dogs are permitted on campus property, including grounds and buildings, on ‘working’ days with B.A.R.K. events, subject to conditions.


  • Pets are permitted on University grounds when the space is not in use for a University event. Pets must be on a leash, appropriately licensed, and exhibiting suitable, controlled behaviour as outlined in the Consolidated Responsible Dog Ownership Bylaw No. 1343.
    • Campus Security reserves the right to remove, or ask a Bylaw Enforcement Officer to remove, an unattended pet if the animal is in distress or is creating a public nuisance.
  • Pets are not permitted in any owned or leased University building or vehicle.

Etiquette and conditions

  • Handlers are responsible to ensure that the presence of the animal does not inappropriately disrupt the normal business operations of the campus nor create undue safety concerns for the animal, the handler or other members of the campus community.
  • Animals (both certified and non-certified) are prohibited from laboratories and areas of campus in which food is prepared, processed or stored.
  • Animals (both certified and non-certified) may be prohibited from entering work spaces where their presence could create a safety risk to the animal, its handler or others.

For questions about the Pet Protocol, please contact

Registration and application procedures

Guide/service dog teams

  • Guide/service dogs are permitted to access campus without prior approval.

Dog-in-training teams

Guide/service dog teams and dog-in-training teams are encouraged to register with Campus Security. In the event that an enquiry is raised, this will allow Campus Security to advocate on their behalf. Contact or 250.807.9236.

Emotional support animals (ESA)

ESAs are permitted on campus grounds but may not attend University events or be taken into shared spaces such as meeting rooms and restrooms, unless specifically addressed in the accommodation plan and handler agreement.

ESAs are not permitted in classrooms.

To apply to bring an ESA on campus:

B.A.R.K. dogs

  • B.A.R.K. dogs are permitted in campus buildings in order to participate in B.A.R.K. events, providing the dogs are fully certified by the B.A.R.K. program or participating in training sessions which they have been invited by B.A.R.K. to attend.
  • Employees who wish to bring a B.A.R.K. dog into an office environment prior to, or following, a B.A.R.K. event must make an application to their supervisor.
  • B.A.R.K. dogs who have obtained approval to attend an office environment may only attend campus buildings in accordance with B.A.R.K. activities.

For questions about the Pet Protocol, please contact