Welcoming new members to the energy team
Over the summer, the Energy Team welcomed two new members to the team: Vasily Bigildeev, Senior Energy Specialist Vasily holds a Master’s in Sustainability Energy Security. His work involves implementing strategies for energy monitoring, promoting conservation, and optimizing energy use. In previous roles, Vasily implemented energy efficiency initiatives in commercial buildings, including energy audits, building […]
Help keep campus wildfire safe
Get your steps in and keep our forest safe from fires and hazards Walking or biking around the trails could WIN you a $40 Starbucks or Tim Hortons Gift Card! Call 250 807-9236 and let Campus Security know that you completed a walk or ride through the Pineloop or Northeast area of campus. By letting […]
Scheduled elevator maintenance
Elevators in the following buildings will be out-of-service for required maintenance: