Welcoming new members to the energy team

Over the summer, the Energy Team welcomed two new members to the team:

Vasily Bigildeev, Senior Energy Specialist

Photo: Vasily Bigildeev, Senior Energy Specialist

Vasily holds a Master’s in Sustainability Energy Security. His work involves implementing strategies for energy monitoring, promoting conservation, and optimizing energy use. In previous roles, Vasily implemented energy efficiency initiatives in commercial buildings, including energy audits, building commissioning, retrofits, and utility management. He was honoured as the 2019 Alberta Energy Manager of the Year. His expertise contributes to operational cost reduction, improved work and study environments, and corporate sustainability efforts. His professional designations include CEM, CBCP, and CMVP. Additionally, Vasily serves as a Director at Large at the AEE Alberta Chapter.

Nilkanth “Sunny” Savaliya, Energy Engineer

Photo of Sunny Savaliya, Energy Engineer

Prior to joining the UBCO Energy Team, Sunny Savaliya worked extensively in the smart building industry, leveraging data to identify energy-saving opportunities. He has a diverse background in commercial energy management and is passionate about building a low-carbon future, circular economy, smart grids, and energy conservation and optimization. Sunny holds a Master’s Degree in Energy Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. In addition to these qualifications, he is a certified RETScreen Expert and a registered Energy Advisor with Natural Resources Canada. Sunny believes that smart technologies can create facilities those are safer, more comfortable for occupants, and more efficient to operate.