UBC Okanagan, in compliance with the WCA, requires that all accidents/incidents be reported within 24 hours of the occurrence.
About Incident/Accident Reporting and Investigation
The Workers Compensation Act (WCA) defines an incident to include “an accident or other occurrence which resulted in or had the potential for causing an injury or occupational disease”.
UBC Okanagan, in compliance with the WCA, requires that all accidents/incidents be reported via the UBC Centralized Accident Incident Reporting System (CAIRS) within 24 hours of the occurrence. Reporting incidents allows for effective and timely incident investigations, which is critical to reducing the likelihood of re-occurrence. Minimizing the potential of re-occurrence means a safer environment for all.
When an incident has occurred, the priority is to deal with any immediate danger or injuries.
Incidents involving serious injury (or the potential for serious injury), or release of hazardous materials, must be reported immediately. Call 7-8111 (internal phone) or 250 807 8111 (cell phone/external phone).
Incident Reporting
Any event involving serious injury or death, a major leak of a dangerous substance, a major structural failure or collapse, or any other serious mishap must be immediately reported to Campus Security’s emergency line: 250-807-8111
Any event involving injury to a person or damage to property, or with the potential to do so, must be reported to UBC within 24 hours.
All accidents/incidents that occur at UBC Okanagan are to be reported via the Centralized Accident Incident Reporting System (CAIRS). Select the applicable section below depending on who was involved in the incident and then the system will then guide you through the reporting process.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact Health, Safety and Environment at hse.ok@ubc.ca or 250 807 8821.
UBC Okanagan staff, faculty, or paid students:
An employee must report all incidents/accidents to their supervisor as soon as possible following the incident/accident.
Every incident or accident involving UBC faculty, staff, or paid students must also be reported via CAIRS (Centralized Accident Incident Reporting System). The form must be completed by the involved person. Once completed, the worker’s supervisor will receive an email notification with a link to complete the accident/incident investigation and required employment information.
*Any student that is paid by the university is considered to be a “paid student”, examples include: Teaching Assistants, stipends, work study, etc.
UBC Okanagan practicum/clinical placement students:
Students completing the practicum portion of their studies are eligible for workers’ compensation if they experience work-related illness or injury while doing their practicum, provided their practicum meets certain requirements.
Practicum students must inform their supervisor as soon as possible following an incident/accident. They must also complete an incident report via CAIRS. Once this is complete, the practicum student’s supervisor will receive an email notification with a link to complete the accident/incident investigation.
UBC Okanagan students or visitors:
If you have been injured on UBC premises, seek first aid by contacting Campus Security at 250 807 9236. If the injury is serious and has risk of being fatal, call 911 immediately. Then when it is safe to do so, report the incident via CAIRS or have someone at UBC report it on your behalf.
Students who are employed at UBC must follow the same reporting procedures as faculty and staff.
Note: This form should be completed by practicum/clinical placement students visiting from other provinces and countries.
UBC Okanagan contractors:
If a contractor is injured while on the worksite at UBC, or if the contractor is involved in an incident that results in damage to UBC property, an accident/incident report must be completed via CAIRS. This may be completed by the involved person or by another person on their behalf (e.g. Project Manager).