
Ergonomics play an important role in our safety and well-being.

Fortunately, many potential injuries can be avoided by making a few simple changes to the set-up of our workspaces.

UBC Okanagan offers services to promote optimal working postures and reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries. These services include providing advice on ergonomic best practices, recommending adjustments to furniture and equipment, and completing ergonomic consultations as necessary.

DIY resources

The following resources are available to assist you in setting up your work station and optimize wellbeing:

To access more of UBC’s Ergonomics resources, please visit the UBC Vancouver’s ergonomics page.

Ergonomic consultation

UBC Okanagan’s ergonomics program is available to faculty and staff for either an in-person or virtual consultation that can help improve your comfort and reduce your risk of musculoskeletal injury.

When submitting a request, you will need to provide a picture of:

  •  Your full workstation
  •  You seated at your workstation in your stationary position; and
  •  Any areas of physical concern (e.g., keyboard location, mouse, screen position).

Prior to requesting a consultation, we encourage you to review our DIY resources and home office ergo webinar.

To request an ergonomics assessment, complete the ergonomics assessment request form