Bomb Threats

A bomb threat can be received by telephone, note, letter or email, text message, or in person. All bomb threats must be taken seriously.

If you receive a bomb threat, call 911 (Police) immediately, and then Campus Security (250 807 8111).

If you receive a bomb threat by telephone

  1. Stay calm and speak to the caller with a pleasant tone.
    • Let the caller know that you are willing to cooperate by listening to what they have to say.
    • Ask the caller if there is anything you can do to help.
    • Try NOT to upset the caller.
    • Keep the caller on the line if you can.
  2. By indicating your willingness to cooperate, you may be able to keep the caller on the line for a longer duration so that you can build trust and try to ask the following questions:
    • Where is the bomb?
    • When is it going to go off?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What does it look like?
  3. Permit the caller to say as much as possible without interruption.
  4. Take notes on everything said and on your observations about background noises, voice characteristics, language, etc.
  5. Record the phone number and the time that the call was received and notify Campus Security.
  6. Call 911 (Police) and Campus Security (250 807 8111) as soon as the threatening call has ended.
    • If possible, get a co-worker to call emergency personnel while you continue to talking to the caller.
    • The purpose of not disrupting the phone conversation is to assist in identifying or locating the caller.

If there has been a bomb threat or a suspicious package is located

  1. Survey your immediate work area.
  2. If you see a package or a foreign object in an unusual place, don’t touch it.
  3. Call 911 (Police) and advise them of the details.
  4. You will be advised if evacuation is necessary.
  5. Follow instructions given by emergency personnel.
  6. Call 250 807 8111 (Campus Security emergency line).