Heating, Cooling and Ventilation

Operation and maintenance of all mechanical, electrical, HVAC and building control systems for the campus are performed by Campus Operations and Risk Management’s Facilities Management team.

The mandate of this service is to control utility costs while maintaining a quality learning and working environment.

In order to ensure that building ventilation systems can function optimally, every occupant is encouraged to keep windows closed at all times. It is recommended that laboratory doors be kept closed as well.

To report heating or cooling issues in offices, labs and classrooms, please submit a facilities work order.

Personal space heaters

Many personal space heaters found on campus are ceramic models and are rated at 1,500 watts. This is a substantial energy consumer during the cooler months and directly impacts the overall electricity utilized by the University.

A more energy efficient option for personal space heating is the use of 170 watt radiant heaters.

UBC Okanagan offers both requests for personal space heaters and swap-outs of ceramic heaters for radiant heaters, as supplies allow.

Before submitting a request, please ensure you are practicing the below alternate solutions to staying warm during cooler months.

Alternative personal heating behaviours

  • Dress in seasonally appropriate clothes
  • Use a sweater and/or lap blanket
  • Close windows and doors to conserve heat
  • Keep blinds open during the day and closed at night

To request a new heater or swap-out an existing ceramic heater, please submit a facilities work request.

Standardized room temperatures

UBC Okanagan strives to maintain temperatures between 20–24 degrees Celsius in the winter and 23–27 degrees Celsius in the summer.

These values apply to occupants wearing typical seasonal clothing while doing light, mostly sedentary work.

For more details, visit Indoor Environmental Quality.