Moving services for the transportation of goods, materials, equipment and furnishings are provided by Campus Operations and Risk Management’s Facilities Management team.
When requesting moving services, please provide as much advance notice as possible to accommodate scheduling and a minimum of 48 hours notice is required.
Before submitting a request, please note:
- Routine moving requests on-campus during normal working hours are provided at no cost
- Moving services outside of normal working hours will be charged accordingly and estimates are available upon request
- Off-campus moving services, in conjunction with UBC Okanagan related functions (e.g. art exhibits, seminars, etc.), require prior approval from Facilities Management
- Large-scale moving services are provided by external contractors and the requesting department is charged accordingly
For moving services, please submit a facilities work request.
Moving Totes
Before the move
Plastic moving totes are available for faculty and staff to help with their moves on-campus. Facilities Management does not provide cardboard moving boxes.
To receive plastic moving totes for on-campus moves, please submit a facilities work order.
Please note: Plastic totes are not available for use by staff or faculty who wish to move personal belongings home (e.g. retirement).
After the move
Once the move is complete and the totes have been emptied, create a new work request asking our craftspersons to collect the totes. Charges may apply if moving totes are lost.
To return your plastic moving totes, please submit a facilities work order.
Moving Desks/Workstations
Computers, monitors, phones and other equipment on desks and workstations must be moved by the UBC IT Okanagan department.
For moving desks or workstations, please complete the following steps:
- Log into UBC Service Now
- Select ‘Request A Service’
- Select ‘Hardware, Software & Desktop Support’
- Select ‘Okanagan – Employee IT Equipment Move Request’
- Fill out the form with details of the move
- UBC IT Okanagan will provide you with a date and time when their staff will be available to move the equipment
- Once you receive the date and time, create a facilities work order outlining the details of your furniture move and specify when UBC IT Okanagan will be moving the equipment
- Facilities Management will schedule our craftspersons to perform the furniture move at the same time
For any questions, please contact